Ep7: Pastry Parcel Paradise!


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Hoorah! I cannot tell you how pleased I am that there is finally a savoury bake to make! Don’t get me wrong I do like a bit of cake everyone and then, but after 6 weeks it can get a little boring, and heavy of the tum! This week certainly seemed one were the judges were taught a few things too especially Nancy and her ground rice to avoid leakage

Signature Bake – Savoury Pastry Parcels 
As Mel and Sue mention there are a lot of cultural versions of a similar pastry; Cornish pastry, Spanish empanadas and samosas.  I was nice to see a good selection among the bakers, with no real double ups.  It was no surprise to see Chetna making an indian pastry and it was great to see her boldness with the spices and the lentils.

Key Points:

  1. If your adding a raw filling to the pastry, ensure it is chopped small to ensure that it is cooked all the way through
  2. Concentrate on the seasoning, and the moisture. Making sure the ratio of filling to pastry is balanced.
  3. Crimp the edges well to avoid any leakage

I’ve decided to spice things up with this one and in keeping with the holiday memory theme, I want to do something Mexican.  I remember having empanadas with a zesty spicy salsa, one lunchtime by the pool, so I’m going to aim for that. These can either be baked or fried, so I might try doing half and hale with the bake, and see which way tastes best.

Technical Challenge – Kouign Amman x12

It’s got to be buttery, its got to be crispy and its got to be flakey. The lamination is all about the  got to be dough – butter, dough – butter layers… Texture of a puff pastry, but a bit more open, a bit more structured and that comes from the yeast

Luckily I can say that I have some direction when it comes to this bake, and I’m not as in the dark as the bakers.  I have tried the originally cake in the home of its origins, Brittany, on a family holiday. I remember discovering it on a solo trip to the local market, but not eating it until I had then cycling along to find a nice spot over-looking the sea. It was amazing, so caramelly and crunchy, but still soft in the centre.  The one I have bought also had apple in it which added some extra scrumptiousness of the whole thing.  Only last week did I get excited when I saw that they had started stocking it in Sainsburys, but the shelf was empty

Key points:

  1. There should be a minimum of 3 turns of the pastry before adding the sugar
  2. Sugar goes in the last layer only, otherwise it will disappear within this pastry
  3. Prove at room temperature rather than the fridge

Just because I have seen, and eaten a few, it doesn’t mean that I’ll be able to do this problem free. This will be the first ever yeasted pastry I’ll have made so as ever, the fingers are crossed!

Showstopper Challenge – Eclairs x24 (in 2 flavours)
Choux Pastry,  I love making this, I really felt like I had accomplished something the first time I made this. Plus it gives you a great arm work out! It would have been nice to of seen a few more savoury options here, but it was nice to see Nancy mixing it up with her “traditional with a contemporary note”.

My Favourites this episode:

  1. Richard, star baker for a third time! This guy has staying power and I would love him to reach the final.  His pasties were well filled and eclairs perfectly balanced.  He may not be the most delicate with his decorating but certainly has a talent.
  2. Luis, I liked his idea of adding spice to his savoury pastry and I might pinch it for mine.  The flavours of his eclairs were as bold as his design, although I wasn’t stunned by the presentation.
  3. Chetna, she pulled it off again, and if her technical had been better she would have been up for star baker again.

It was Kate’s time to leave this week. From the start of the show things just didn’t run smoothly, with the timer of the frier, the proving of the pastry and the mess of her chocolate eclairs.  She was a get baker friendly, smily and always happy, plus she never let Paul shake her.

Martha was definitely close to leaving the tent this week, and I hope she is able to pull herself back next week.  It was nice to see the camaraderie among the bakers with richard and Chetna pulling together to help Martha complete the last challenge. It was really heart warming.

This weekend’s bake will certainly bring a light relief to the past few weeks of cakes! Plus I have a feeling that it will all be eaten with a lot more enthusiasm from the boyfriend!


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