Ep5: “Don’t be in a Pitta despair” its just Free-From week

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 23.11.57Now this is definitely a first for bake off.  Over the years the baker’s have dabbled in this area independently but never has there been a fully dedicated week to it.  I have a few family member that are food intolerant in someway so we’re used to adapting recipes and coming up with something everyone can eat, so it’ll be interesting to see what the bakers come up with. Hopefully there will be a few new bakes’ to try by the end of the episode

Signature – Sugar free cakes
Seemingly an easy idea, but the main question is what sugar substitue you use to create the same effect.  For this the bakers chose a number of natural ingredients varying from, honey, syrup, agave, nectar, molasses and even dates!

Key Points (not many this week)

  1. Apple and pear do not carry too much flavour you need to use something that will overide the sponge flavour
  2. If the mixture is too slack the fruit will sink to the bottom

Three time start baker Ian didn’t quite hit the mark with this one. According to Paul his choice of pears was not good, as their flavour wasn’t strong enough and the use of honey as the sugar substitute did not give the cake the sweetness that it needed. On first glance I was worried that Alvin was playing it too safe, especially compared to what Flora rolled out, but if anything it just proved that sometimes simplicity works. He turned out a beautiful pineapple upsidedown cake, that was glazed with just the agave syrup. Flora’s was more about style over substance as her choice of apples made the sponge soggy and dense. Matt choice of CArrot and date cake could have lead to something really stodgy, and although it ended up looking a bit like a christmas cake it certainly delighted Pauls palette.

Technical – Gluten Free Pitta Breads x12
Grey and dense, wet and smelly, of the joys of working with something new! They used psyllium powder to create the gluten, but I’m more interested to know what flour they used.

Key Points

  1. Right consistency is a sticky dough, not a wet dough
  2. Use of psyllium powder to give it the gluten and help to create the elasticity it needs to rise and help to create iconic pocket found in pittas.
  3. They need to be nice, thin, and even to create a uniform envelope

What I found more surprising with this challenge that almost half the bakers didn’t know what shape they were. I have make these before, allbeit with regular flour and came out with some questionable shapes. I thought everyone knew what would look like, but maybe I’ve just had a few too many kebabs in my lifetime! I was good to see Nadiya finally do week at a technical with near perfect pockets that have had a good colour and texture. Alvin on the other hand just seemed to be getting confused with a pitta vs. a nan.  Tamal at least could still see the funny side and stayed upbeat for the next stage

Showstopper – Dairy Free Ice cream, sponge roll
If I’m completely honest this almost seems like a bit of a cop out, easy showstopper, but I may well eat my words after the weekend.  I recently made dairy free avocado ice cream, which came out really well so the idea of this doesn’t really worry me that much.  What was funny, though hardly surprising, to see was how the show made sure that there was not another occurrence of last years Bin-Gate, by supplying each of the bakers their own mini freezer.

Sponge element of this bake proved a little more taxing for the bakers, with trying to find new ways to make it a showstopper. I think Paul surpassed himself with the beach scene and fondant sunbather on the top. Ian stepped up his game for the last challenge with creating a sauce core that ran through the middle of his icecream, creating flavour that was a knockout. Flora, again seemed to be trying too much with her take on the roll, and Matt simply got the brief wrong. Tamal is becoming my favourite, and Alvin is still producing some impressive bakes.

Ugne was simply trying too much for every challenge this week, but although she had all the right intentions and the flavour was right in some cases, the final execution just let her down.

Nadiya was the most impressive by far. In everything in the series so far she has bought new flavour combos and been experimental, and this week was no different.  Blueberry jam, with basil seeds, a chocolate ice cream so rich it covered up the coconut milk not to mention the fact that she finally did well in the technical challenge.

Oneliner of the week, not really a onliner, more of an inspirational boost:
“If you play safe it will be boring. We can do boring everyday, but’s not an everyday bake, its Bake Off!”

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