Ep6: European Cake Contest

Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 00.11.09You’ve got to love Mel and Sue, they bring refreshing lightness and comedy to a show that could otherwise be like all the other vote off TV programmes. They to know the programme they are presenting can be a bit farcical and but the play along with it. This week was no exception. They were on par from the start and made me giggle throughout, even though I was dreading the tasks ahead of me!

Signature bake – a European yeast leavened cake
So many hopf’s but not a life buoy in sight! I loved the array of cake tins used for this challenge. When they were tipping the cake from them at the end it reminded me of sandcastles on the beach as a kid. Luis was great, again. I really like the decoration. Mary and Paul were really critical this week which shows the competition is really hotting up. They were really playing the roles of good cop bad cop right from the start. Paul’s exclamation and the amount of butter being mixed into Martha’s dough would certainly be enough to make me stop and think.  When it came to the tasting, Mary waxed lyrical about Kate’s flavour combination and Paul was the complete opposite and disagreed with it all.

My choice of bake for this challenge is a Panettone. It’s a yeasted dough originated from Italy. Does this qualify as a European yeasted cake? I hope so be use I’ve already ordered the ingredients and they arrive tomorrow along with the paper cases! Technically it is the same as what Mary says about these cakes:

“A leavened cake is made in a similar way that you would make a loaf of bread and it can’t really be hurried too much, get it too hot and it will rise too quickly and you won’t get the right texture. Too slow, the won’t have had time”

But I worry it is classed more as an enriched bread dough rather than cake. Either way I’ve never made it before so it’ll be something. New!

Technical Challenge – Swedish Princess Torte
Oh my, they really are upping the ante with this one.

Simple explanation: 3 layers of sponge, filled with creme pat and Jam, its got a dome of whipped cream on the top and on top of that its got some green marzipan and a little pink rose plonked on the top! Nice and easy then? HA! with 21/4 hours, 26 separate ingredients, 14 stages and remember to read the recipe at least twice I’ll admit I’m not looking forward to this! I have bought most of the ingredients already, but after watching the show, I now have to return the pre bought marzipan in favour of making my own. I went out looking for ground almonds this evening only to find the last 200g in the store tucked behind some other nuts.  Lets hope I can find some more tomorrow!

Showstopper Challenge – Hungarian Dobus Torte (2 tiered)
Wow, I’m really pleased I don’t have to bake this at the weekend too!  I think I’d seriously turn grey with the stress.  The sugar work alone worries me let alone the amount of thin sponge layers you need to make up a tier.

My Favourites this episode:

  1. I’m so pleased that Chetna got Star Baker.  She worked so hard all the way through, especially with having to make an extra sponge in the technical. It was great to see her excitement at the end, you could tell she was totally surprised and elated.
  2. Martha managed to surprise Paul with her signature bake and that is certainly impressive
  3. I know that Nancy didn’t have the best week, but I sympathise with her when it comes to chocolate.  Despite everything she still manage to pull herself back from the disaster that was her signature bake.

I wasn’t really surprise that they judges made this decision this week.  They have already lost one baker, Diana, through un-baking circumstances, so they had to do something to get the numbers back up.  There were no real stand out poor baker, and although Richard and Kate were rightfully on the line I think it would have been wrong to kick one of them out. I think Luis needs to watch himself too, hes was slipping on his flavours with the showstopper. It’s probably harsh to say, but it’s nice to see a chink in his armour for once.

I’m a little anxious about the baking I have ahead of me. But I love Richard’s comment of begin cautiously optimistic, so I‘m going to aim for that mental state for the whole weekend!


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