Ep1: Technical – Cherry Cake

I’m so pleased that the Bake Off is back on, I love having a challenge to look forward to, and knowing that by the end of the weekend I will hopefully have learned something new and added to my baking repertoire. This week’s cherry cake challenge was just that. I’ve been staying at my sisters this week while she is on holiday, so this weeks baking adventures have been subject to a few strange anomalies!

In the previous years that I have done the challenges I have set down some ground rules for myself:

1. Use the same ingredients as stated in the recipe, no substitutes are allowed
2. Use the same baking equipment and used on the show
3. No assistance can be given from a third party (unless it’s doing the washing up 🙂 )

I try to keep to these rules as much as possible, but unfortunately there are a few exceptions to rule 2, the lack of beautiful pastel coloured Kitchenaid mixers, the amazing bread proving/warming drawer and the seriously longed for oven with the telescopic shelves. In the absence of these 3 main items, I do my best to buy or borrow any equipment I do not already have.

I have made various cakes in various shapes, sizes and flavours but not a cake in a bundt tin before. As I mentioned previously I did not have to buy this tin, as I could borrow one from my sister, and thankfully not loose anymore of the limited space I have in my kitchen! Although the tin was not the exact same, smooth tin, it was still the same measurement and a little exception to my second rule. I’m always sceptical when a cake tin claims to be non stick, and usually line a tin with parchment for safe measure. It would have been very tricky and time consuming to line this tin, instead it was a few bits of butter rubbed all over the inside of the tin.

As I mentioned earlier I have been staying at my sisters this week, so not only am I using her bundt tin but also her other baking equipment including, her oven, obviously! So the oven was put to temperature using her oven thermometer (a must in baking), while the rest of the cake was put together.

I was surprised to find out that the mix was pretty much an all-in-one mixture, all apart from the cherries of course.

These little beauts require some special attention. Remembering to save 5 cherries for the top (avoiding the same mistake that Jordan made) it was a sticky messy job of have to quarter the rest of the pot. Why is it that when you get near something remotely sticky, especially jam/marmalade, you find it a sticky patch on your arm long after you have washed your hands etc? Anyway, after the cherries were cut, they had to be rinsed and tossed in flour, in order to obtain the suspended cherries throughout the cake, and save them dropping to the bottom.

The little red jewels had to be folded into the rest of the mixed batter, a batter that was particularly thick, maybe too thick? Once it is all combined then into the tin is has to go. As it was so thick, there was less pouring and more dolloping going on, which meant that it had to be spread around the tin. Dolloping also meant that some of the mix got smeared on the edges of the tin. It’s important to remember that these bites need to be wiped off before it goes into the oven, otherwise they would cook and burn while the rest of the cake is cooking. After the mix is spread evenly around the pan the journey to the oven was next.

Strange anomaly number 1.
Opening the door and lowering my sight to the thermometer, I discover that this vital little gadget was indeed broken! This meant that the temperature of the oven was uncertain, and even though the dial said it was correct, I like to be sure. Without this certainty, my state of mind for the cooking process was a little apprehensive.

Once the time was up it was time to take a peak in the oven, I couldn’t peak through the door during the baking because sadly the bulb was broken (anomaly no.2). First impressions, it s not risen enough, plus I have cracking on the top (which will eventually be the base), which I found out recently is the cause of a oven that is too hot. Damn that thermometer and not having superhuman heat sensors in my fingers! The colour of the bake was consistent if a little more golden (especially around the edges) then really needed, again the result of an oven that is too hot.

The next morning it was time for the icing and yet more sticky cherries. The almonds toasted nicely and slowly in the pan, but I wish I had more to nibble on!

Judgement and instinct are a wonderful thing and I really should pay more attention to mine. I knew that my icing was just a little too thin, only a little bit, mind you and should have gone with my instinct instead of adding all of the juice! It still looks ok, but is on the verge of being a little too thin.

Over all I’m happy with the bake, and the overall flavour and presentation was good. Sadly though, due to the oven temp it was a little dry. Next time, and there will be a next time, I will be sure to make sure everything is working first!





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